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IMiS/Avalanche & IMiS/BatchScan

The main purpose of IMiS/Avalanche is to provide an utility that's able to store different types of documents on IMiS/ARC Server, on file server's file system, in Notes database(s) or on Domino.Doc server.
So, if you are dealing with lots of attachments (.doc, .xls, .xml, .ppt ... whatever), having (too) large NSFs, you can simply detach & archive them on IMiS/ARC (or Domino.Doc) server, keeping just links into NSFs. Or, if you are having files somewhere on file system, you can automatically create new Notes documents (based on attributes in pre-defined ASCII file), archive files on IMiS/ARC (on file server or on Domino.Doc) server.

IMiS/BatchScan is a subsystem for batch scanning where you can create several job profiles with different fields/forms/NSFs. For instance, it's possible to use "blank page recognition" or "bar-code recognition" as a document/page separator while you can also store results of bar-code into user-defined field(s) on Notes forms. With batch scanning you can really enhance the speed of scanning process where users spends most of their time to create Notes documents and to enter data on the form.

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